The wait is over! The moment to unveil GFI AppManager, our groundbreaking cloud platform, is just around the corner. We've been working hard to refine every detail over the last few months in a testing environment, and come October 9, 2023, we're rolling out the red carpet for you.

GFI AppManager is a remote monitoring and management platform for all your products - even those from other vendors. Yes, you read that right! Its open and extensible nature is a cornerstone in our vision of empowering MSPs to manage all customers, and all applications from one, unifying screen. 

As the days to GFI AppManager's general availability tick down, we're geared up to ensure you're well-versed and ready to harness the transformative potential of this platform. We've organized a special launch webinar to walk through the avenues of GFI AppManager, making sure you're primed to make the most out of this innovation.

Here's a little taster of the enriching insights awaiting you in our webinar:

  • A comprehensive deep dive into the functionalities and advantages of GFI AppManager.
  • Guidance on transitioning from MyKerio, ensuring you navigate through this new chapter with ease.
  • A live demonstration of GFI AppManager, followed by a Q&A session with our team, standing by to answer your questions.

We've tailored multiple webinar sessions to align with your schedules across different regions:

Circle the dates, ready your questions, and don't forget to register for a session that suits you. The future of efficient IT management is on the horizon, and it begins with GFI AppManager. See you there!

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