5 top features in great MSP software
Jan 4, 2024

Explore the transformative features of modern MSP software in our latest blog. Uncover the essential functionalities that are redefining managed services, enhancing efficiency, and driving the future of IT management. Gain valuable insights into how these key features can revolutionize your approach to MSP solutions.

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ISO 27001: Why it's more relevant now than ever
Dec 22, 2023

Discover the importance of ISO 27001 in addressing today's cybersecurity challenges and the role of GFI Software's solutions in achieving compliance. Our latest post provides a comprehensive overview of ISO 27001's relevance, its alignment with emerging technologies, and essential steps for effective implementation.

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Webinar: Overcoming security challenges in the SMB sector
Dec 22, 2023

Dealing with security challenges can be tough, especially for SMBs. We're stepping in to help. Watch our webinar “Overcoming security challenges in the SMB sector” and discover practical strategies to strengthen SMB defenses.

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Join our upcoming webinar: Overcoming security challenges in the SMB sector
Dec 13, 2023

Dealing with security challenges can be tough, especially for SMBs. We're stepping in to help. Join our upcoming webinar “Overcoming security challenges in the SMB sector” and discover practical strategies to strengthen SMB defenses.

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Securing your business in the age of NIS2: a checklist
Dec 11, 2023

NIS2 accentuates the importance of cybersecurity for essential and digital service providers within the EU. To meet the security standards, understanding and conforming to its guidelines is fundamental. This checklist guides you through this updated regulatory terrain and showcases how tools like GFI LanGuard can be instrumental in this journey.

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Debunking common myths about network management
Nov 19, 2023

Network management, often perceived as a back-end IT function, plays a pivotal role in ensuring seamless business operations and supporting strategic goals. Despite its vital importance, there are numerous misconceptions about what network management involves. This article aims to debunk these common myths, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of network management.

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