Unveiling the Future: GFI AppManager Launch & MyKerio Transition Webinar
Oct 16, 2023

Discover GFI AppManager's transformative features and navigate the transition from MyKerio, all in a comprehensive session designed to equip and empower our community. This is the dawn of a new era in IT solution management, and you're at the heart of it!

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Elevate your business with GFI's MSP Solutions
Jul 31, 2023

Whether you're an established MSP or just venturing into this realm, this session will be invaluable in helping you drive operational efficiency, enhance client satisfaction, and achieve sustainable business growth.

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Demystifying the NIS2 Cybersecurity Directive
Jun 5, 2023

Are you aware of the NIS2 cybersecurity directive recently introduced by the European Union? As a forward-thinking IT professional, it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve and prepare for this groundbreaking regulation.

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Email security and data compliance
Dec 14, 2022

Often, people in an organization are not aware of compliance and email security best practices. This puts sensitive information at risk of a data breach, leading to hefty fines and failing compliance audits. Learn how to secure your emails and comply with data security regulations.

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