Обеспечьте безопасный VPN
доступ сотрудникам,
работающим удаленно,
с помощью Kerio Control

KerioControl Kerio VPN Client
Set up instructions and download updates.

Resource center

KerioControl Datasheet
Discover how KerioControl can help you provide better security
KerioControl NG Series Hardware Appliance datasheet
Learn more about this hardware appliance.
KerioControl help
Find out how to configure KerioControl in different environments and how to set up advanced features.
System requirements
Check out the system requirements, specifications and other important details about Kerio Connect
Product releases
Check out the latest product development, including product launches, releases, and upgrades for Kerio Connect
Admin tools
Check out the various support tools available for administrators for KerioControl
General Videos
Key features overview
Take a look at the KerioControl interface.
High availability
Discover how a second KerioControl machine jumps into action if a failure occurs.
Essential security for SMBs
Learn about the security features KerioControl provides for SMBs
How-to Videos
Installation guide
Learn about the KerioControl installation process in this tutorial.
Managing VPN users
Discover how to manage VPN users with KerioControl.
Setting up the VPN client
Watch this brief walk-through of the VPN setup.
Setting up the VPN server
See how to configure the KerioControl VPN server.
Case studies
Hellyar Plastics
Read how Hellyar Plastics rely on Kerio products for a secure IT infrastructure.
Chord Electronics
Read how Chord Electronics rely on Kerio products for a secure IT infrastructure.
Read how the Czech branches of this fast-food giant rely on Kerio products for a secure IT infrastructure.
Yacht Computing
Discover why KerioControl usage and traffic statistics put it at the top of the list for this customer.
ISO 27001 - English
Develop an understanding of what ISO 27001 is and what its used for and how GFI can help SMBs be ISO 27001 compliant
ISO 27001 - Spanish
Develop an understanding of what ISO 27001 is and what its used for and how GFI can help SMBs be ISO 27001 compliant
ISO 27001 - German
Develop an understanding of what ISO 27001 is and what its used for and how GFI can help SMBs be ISO 27001 compliant
ISO 27001 - Italian
Develop an understanding of what ISO 27001 is and what its used for and how GFI can help SMBs be ISO 27001 compliant
ISO 27001 - Czech
Develop an understanding of what ISO 27001 is and what its used for and how GFI can help SMBs be ISO 27001 compliant
Business benefits of GFI KerioControl
Watch our "deep dive" demo and see the value and simplicity of GFI KerioControl.
Best practices for securing your network with KerioControl
Learn how to protect your network from ransomware, krytolockers, DoS attacks, viruses and more.
KerioControl statistics and reporting
Learn about the KerioControl Statistics reporting module, alerts and more.
Active hosts
Admin Dashboard
Daily traffic
Other resources
Web filter test
See what to do if a website is not categorized.
Developer zone
News for developers with downloads and documentation.
Kerio intrusion prevention test
This page will test your Intrusion Prevention System in KerioControl.